If you’re planning a landscaping project in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, then knowing the hourly rate for professional landscaping service prices is a great thing to know for planning and budgeting. The hourly price of Victoria landscaping service depends on various factors such as how many workers are needed, if any heavy machinery like mini-excavators are needed, and the overall nature of the project itself. For example, a simple garden design with retaining walls will cost less for an hourly rate than a commercial landscape design with pergolas and ponds requiring excavation and skilled carpenters. Our landscaping company in Victoria BC typically charges as little as $100 per hour for most landscaping projects.
We hope this information answers your question. We also answer
other related questions here, such as the landscaping cost per square foot. If you want to know more about what landscapers charge per hour in Victoria, contact Larix Landscape today by calling (778) 401-0806.
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